
Archive for the ‘baby’ Category

I made it

Phew!  I made it!


I joined a relay team for the Baltimore Marathon shortly after Evie was born. I needed something on my calendar to get me out and running again.  A team relay meant I couldnt flake (which i totally would have done if no one else was counting on me).  My friend, Amanda, found 2 other moms in the area looking to create a 4-person team.  I had Leg 3, a 6.7 mile uphill climb!  But I F-ing rocked it – by Amy standards, that is.

I also feel that this marks the end of Evie’s ‘infanthood’.  I feel that we made it through her first few months of being teeny-tiny – and now we just have 2 kids. I think I have said once before – if there is one thing I hate more than being pregnant – its newborns.  Man-oh-man the first few months are rough.  I was so, so, so lucky to have a generous maternity leave.  Combined with an awesome nanny who helped my transition back to work go smoothly. We made it through relatively unscathed. I’m happy to be on the other side now. I’m getting back to my old self – and our family is feeling stable.  As stable as a 4-month old and 2-year old can be!!

Granted, we’ve had to re-adjust expectations over the past few months.  I used to want family time, work time, amy time, husband time, catch-up on sleep time, and some let-loose time in every weekend.  But, alas, I would sit down sunday night feeling deprived of a few of those things.  It cant all be done!  So I’ve tried to prioritize one or 2 of those things each weekend – switching off – so that im not fully depleted in any one area over the course of a month.  Law of averages, baby!  Last week, Phil and I randomly got a babysitter Sunday afternoon so that we could go watch the Colts game together.  This weekend I ran in my race. Tomorrow I hope to go to the B&O railroad museum with the kiddos.  I’m going to be low on work hours this week  – and it will have to be a priority next weekend.  I cant do it all.  But I’m hoping over time, it will all work out.

As I look through all the pictures I chose to include, its hard to think its not working out.  We’re happy, we’re healthy, we’re doing our best:

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Pork Chop

Have I mentioned yet that we call Evie “Pork Chop”?  I probably call her ‘pork chop’ more than I call her evie.  Even at her 2 month appointment, the doctor called her ‘juicy’ – so it has also evolved into ‘juicy pork chop’ or ‘jpc’ for short.  Can you blame us:


Shes so great.  She has her 4 month appointment next week.  I’ll give some updated stats then, but I’m guessing she weighs at least 75 lbs. Have I also not mentioned that we call Wilek ‘Wil-wil’?  (Seems like I would have told this story already, but I cant find it.)  The ladies at his old daycare started calling him that and it stuck.  Even when I would drop him off, his friends would call him ‘Wil-wil’ and I was Wil-wil’s mommy.  Go figure.  The nicknames I did not consider….

Anywho – Life is so freaking great around here.  I think most of my blog posts tend to have a happy tone about them because the only time I have to blog is when Im not stressed/busy with other things.   I actually have a free hour to upload pictures and talk about my children on the internet!  LIFE IS GRAND! Granted, I also use the time to catalog the stressful times and talk about crazy basement floodings, but still – its all with a rose-colored lens.

Speaking of lenses, my photos are always so dark in this house.  Row-houses only have windows at the the front and back of the house,  and our recess lighting is too harsh in the mornings/evenings, so many of my pictures turn out like this:


But thats okay.  You can still see the cuteness:



I’ve finally been able to get some work done in the evenings and try to enjoy my tuesdays and thursdays ‘off’ when the kiddos. This past Thursday we went and fed the ducks:





Mid Fall

Wil would bait them with all the bread – and then chase them away. A non-stop party, until the bread ran out.  We also have fun running around the tennis courts:



We’ve really lucked out with some killer weather recently.  We are outside any chance we get – even if its just bubbles on the porch with the neighbor kids.  Evie  is starting to sit up for extended periods in the boppy or bumbo.  The bouncy chair barley bounces anymore due to her being such a big baby.  We’ll probably retire it soon. Its hard to catch a smile, but I swear, shes a very happy baby!!




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We were all over the place in August.  We stayed busy in Baltimore going to the zoo and an Os game.  Then flew to Telluride, CO for Em’s wedding.  Then drove to Indiana for 10 days for BJ’s bachelor party and wedding!  I will devote a better post to our travels.  But for the mean time, here are lots (!!) of snap-shots from early August:

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Awhile ago I started working on a similarities/differences list of Evie and Wil as babies.  I keep saying I want to add more, but never do!  So I figured I’ll get it out now before it becomes completely outdated.

Wilek Evie
Sleeping Only sleep on our chest or his stomach.  Would only sleep on his back for short stretches.  Loved being swaddled. Hates the swaddle.  Sleeps on her back with her legs stretched out and arms above her head.  Hates being on her stomach.
Tummy Time Great at tummy time.  Great neck control.  Could look up and around without any trouble Hates it.  Can barely get her head off the ground and usually just rests her forehead on the ground and cries until we get her…but shes getting better!
Pacifier Never got into it. Loves it!  Great soothing device when things get a little hectic.
Diapers Screamed bloody murder the second he had a dirty diaper.  Then would scream his way through the actual diaper change. Doesnt fuss about it and loves having her diaper changed.  I get the most smiles during diaper changes.
Bottles Was pretty good with both bottle and nursing.  Occasionally went on bottle strikes which were very long for me. Wil also went through a lot of burp cloths a day due to spitting up frequently. Basically all bottles except during night.  Doesn’t seem to have a preference. Despite some very impressive burps, Evie hardly spits up.
Baths Did not enjoy them. But was in the baby bath early on.  Has learned to love them. Does not enjoy them.  We still haven’t given her a proper bath.  All sponge baths around here, due to her gassy nature.

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Bunny Pictures, Week 8

Evie was 7 lb 4 oz at birth and at 6 weeks she was 11 lbs 9 oz! I’m guessing she has to be well over 12 lbs now.  She’s growing fast!

1 week old!

1 week old!

3 weeks old!

3 weeks old!

5 weeks old!

5 weeks old!

7 weeks old!

7 weeks old!

8 weeks old!

8 weeks old!

Compared to Wil at 8 weeks:

 Week 8

Week 8

I dressed up Evie in the same onesie and took an 8-week photo with the lion for comparison. Pictures were taken at slightly different heights, but Evie is definitely the chunkier of the two!  She also enjoys the photo-shoots a bit more. I’m loving her smiles!


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So we’re starting to get into a groove around here.  Evie is nearly 7 weeks old and Wil is back at daycare 2 days a week.  Phil is also furloughed 1 day a week (joys of working for the government).  So we are all together 3 days a week and I am only alone with both of them 2 days a week.  On top of it – Evie is a pretty good sleeper….for an infant.  I get a 4-5 hour stretch out of her most nights and a few 2+ hour naps throughout the day.  I’m nearly a full-functioning adult!!  I know I’m going to jinx myself, but I just need to say again how awesome this little girl is!  Dont get me wrong, she scream bloody murder when she needs something – which is every few hours, but for the most part – she is very easy going.  I’m still not sure if shes that much ‘better’ than Wil was as an infant, or if we’ve just chilled out as parents.  I use the hiccups example:  With Wil, if he had a bad case of the hiccups – I would have walked around the apartment for 45 minutes patting his back trying to get rid of them.  But with Evie, I just sit her down and figure that she’ll work them out herself – and she does.  Easy Peasy.  I’m actually enjoying parenting this go around.  So much less stressful.

Wil has definitely gotten a little more clingy in the past few weeks.  I think hes finally realized this baby isnt going away.  He is still very loving to her – but just wants more of my attention.  Evie is spending more time awake and loves looking around.  Shes starting to track people with her eyes across the room and smiles occasionally.  She is in the 87th percentile for nearly all things and weighs in at 11 lb 9 oz!  Wilek is 28 pounds and about 50th percentile.  Hes getting more and more words, but is still a bit behind his peers. A lot of his toddler meltdowns seems to stem from the fact that he cant tell us what he wants.  But we’re working on it.  Hes starting to get more adventurous and loves to climb over and under things.  We’ve had to save him a few times from various falls.  One of these times, we’re not going to be able to catch him!

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Wil turns 2

Wil turned 2 last weekend. Instantly after Evie was born, he morphed from ‘my baby’ to  a bona-fide ‘kid’.  His 2nd birthday was a wonderful celebration of that.  Wil still isnt a big fan of cake, so the night before I made him some m&m chocolate chip cookies.  Then I took a shot glass to cut-out individual cookies to make in the shape of a 2:



Im not a very creative/crafty person, but I was happy with how it turned out.  The next morning, we skyped with both of the grandparents.  We tried to reinforce the idea it was his birthday early in the day – and sang him the birthday song and finally gave him one present.  But I’m not sure he finally got it until the afternoon.


After his nap, we had set up his new train set and had all the balloons and presents waiting for him.  We sang the birthday song again and made a big deal about the presents.  We brought out his cookies and blew out some candles.  I’m still not sure he really knew what was going on – but he knew he was having a GREAT day. (Video of cookies to come shortly…)






Birthday aftermath:


Phil and I never actually got Wil anything for his birthday because we had so many packages and presents from family and friends wrapped and ready to go for his big day!  We sincerely thank everyone for their thoughtful gifts.  Wil truly had a great, great day. Of course the best gifts were the boxes they came in and the decorations!  Wil and Phil played with the mylar balloons for days after the birthday!! Wil especially liked ‘throwing’ them up to the ceiling and having daddy lift him up to get them:


Thanks again to everyone who made Wilek’s 2nd birthday a special one!

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On our own

Well the help has all left!  Char and Mark were here from the 7th through the 15th.  Phil was able to work a few days while they were here so he can save his vacation days for when we really need extra hands.  We all had a great time and Wil loooooves hanging out with his busia and dziadzia.  They were able to take Wil out to the park and run him around every day while I mainly tended to Evie and rested. I have determined that 3 people is just enough to care for 2 kids and a dog.  Now that we are on our own, things are a bit trickier.  Phil is able to be at home this week, so at least there are 2 adults around to take care of things, but we’re still figuring it all out.  Evie is still a very easy-going baby, though feeding has been much trickier than it was with Wil.  Shes not a very efficient eater, tends to take in a lot of air, and requires a lot of milk!  Baby girl is 9 and a half pounds already!!  All these things, combined with my distraction of Wilek and/or sleep deprivation, doesnt help Evie with these feeding issues.  But we’re working on it together! Hopefully we’ll figure out a good routine in the next few weeks.

She is seriously awesome though – she soothes herself to sleep and quietly looks around when she is awake.  Baths are, by far, the WORST experience ever for her though.  She screams her bloody head off during baths.  Not that I blame her – we still do sponge baths and she gets cold!  I am not a fan of being cold either. (Funny enough – though I am the one who is usually always cold – my hormones are still leveling out from birth and ive kept the house at like 60-something degrees.  Everyone else is freezing, haha. I’m starting to level out though and hopefully the house can go back to a normal temperature soon).  Wil is giving Evie more attention – he likes to give her hugs and kisses now.  We are working on being gentle.  Sometimes he will try to climb on me while I am feeding her or will try to run his car over her head.  Normal toddler stuff – nothing jealous or malicious – but Im constantly on guard!

Our biggest adventure comes when we take the whole brood to Chicago for my little brothers wedding!!  We will be gone 4 days, so it will be interesting trying to keep everyone happy on the road!  We will have lots of grandparents, aunts and uncles around though — So I think they will have a great time!  And I cant wait for everyone to meet Evie!  I’ll post wedding highlights when we get back!

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She’s Here!

Eva Ann was born Wednesday May 29th at 12:07am at 7 lbs 4 oz and 21 inches long. We will be calling her Evie.  She is perfectly healthy and has been a very easy baby thus far.  So much so that I was slightly concerned that she slept so long and didnt really fuss about anything.  My doctor has diagnosed her with ‘happy baby syndrome’.  Like Wil, she has been fighting off some early jaundice, so she is still a little yellow in some of the pictures, but she seems to be doing better and better each day.  We were able to come home last Thursday afternoon and my parents arrived Friday morning.  They have been here this week and then Phils parents arrive tomorrow to relieve them 🙂 Wil has been having a blast with his Mimi and PopPop, so he hasnt really been too jealous of the new addition.  He will run past her and stop, then point and say ‘baby!’ and then keep running.  We’ll update with more details in the next few weeks, but I wanted to leave you all with some pictures of Evie’s first week:

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There is a lot ive wanted to write about lately  – but its all going to be thrown into one massive pictures/stories post.

Ive been trying to soak-up every last minute of my family of 3.  The weather has cooperated, which has allowed us to take numerous trips to playgrounds, parks, the zoo, and the harbor.  We have also had a day trip to rehoboth beach, DE  and a weekend trip to Philadelphia for my departmental retreat where Phil and Wil checked out the science museum.  Things are slowing down now as I get bigger and closer to my due date.  Most everything is ready for baby girl to arrive.  I just have to finish up things at work! (I joke that my form of ‘nesting’ has been cleaning and organizing all my work code – not cleaning the house.  I hired someone to do that.  I’ll stick to commenting and annotating my analyses.)

I waiver back and forth between anxiously awaiting our new addition and mourning the ‘loss’ of Wil as my only child.  Im so so happy to give him a sibling – but I know it’ll rock his world for a bit.  Wil has been such a happy boy, these last few months in particular, that Im sad to go and change everything on him.  Even his teachers at daycare have commented on how well he has been doing lately.  Not that Wil has ever been that troublesome.  I know Ive been lucky with a mostly happy boy.  But he has never been that great of an eater (meal times have always been a struggle)  and hes had some issues playing nice with others (he  was sent home with a few ‘incidence reports’ from daycare).  But over the last month – hes really turned a corner with his demeanor.   He is happy nearly all of the time.  I didnt know kids could be so delightful, haha.  Ive always been use to pacifying Wil – trying to guess at what hes fussing about or what he’ll actually eat or playing helicopter parent at play groups so he wont push or bite the other children.  But now, he eats without too much trouble, his teachers say he participates in circle time more (songs and interactive time), and he even gave his friend a hug as we were leaving the other day!

One thing that I think has really helped, is his vocabulary.  I think he really enjoys words and talking.  By far the funniest word in his vocabulary is ‘Mommy’ – which coming from him sounds like ‘Amy’.  He drops the first ‘M’ so its more of an ‘ommy’ which sounds enough like ‘Amy’ that everyone laughs when he starts yelling it and running at me.  We joke that we have a very formal relationship.  ‘Daddy’, on the other hand, comes out clear as a bell.  Weve been working on colors and counting, but those are taking some work.  Currently when you ask what color something is, his only response is ‘yellow’.  EVERYTHING is yellow.  Until you correct him and then he’ll repeated after you.  But initially, its yellow.  He also loves to growl.  This started as we were learning animal sounds, but now he likes to growl and grunt randomly as hes playing and walking around.  He sounds possessed half of the time. Good thing its 2013, or someone would have given this kid an exorcism already.   He also growls when he shows you his muscles.  When I go to change his clothes, or if he sees someone else without a shirt on, he growls and ‘flexes’ his muscles.  Its so adorable.  I hope we have a video of it.  Hes starting to put a few words together in strings. Usually ‘more’ followed by whatever he wants. He also enjoys singing.  Usually just ‘LA LA LA’ – but he has taken to singing the new kids on the block with daddy at nighttime.  Phil starts singing ‘Oh oh oh oh oh – the right stuff’ and he will start singing along.

Wil still sleeps in his crib at night – but naps on a cot at daycare during the day.  So far he has not fought the crib or tried to climb out.  We are planning to get a floor mattress soon for him to get use to sleeping outside the crib at home since we will want to use the crib for the new baby after a few months.  We are slowly starting the potty training process, but he hasnt taken much interest yet.  He initially was terrified of sitting on the toilet, but after a few m&m rewards, the potty doesnt seem so bad. But he still doesnt really get the concept of using it for intended purposes.  We now have a small toddler potty downstairs that he gladly goes and sits on and then requests his m&m reward, haha.  (M-M?!) So now we need to start enforcing actually using the potty for the reward.

Wil is a very active boy and loves to run around.  He is not scared of stepping up or down off of things anymore, which is scary for us!  He still doesnt have the best judgment on what might be too far of a step down, but will just go for it.  Which has resulted in a few falls when Phil and I arent paying close enough attention.  He loves to go down the slide head first and then tries to climb back up.  He loves playing with water – either outside, or in the sink, or bathtime.  Whenever he has a ‘boo-boo’ we immediately go and rinse it in water in the sink and its immediately all better.

Im sure there are other unique things about Wils development and habits that I dont have written down, but this will have to do for now.  Im curious to how the next kid will be different – and this little family blog is my best attempt at storing memories for the future.  As anxious as I am about the change, my mom says I will look back at all these pictures of ‘just Wil’ and see them as an incomplete story of our family.  He has had a good run as the only child! Hopefully we’ll all adjust to being a family of 4 soon enough.  I cant wait!

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Baby bump #2

I havent been giving this baby bump nearly enough love.  I had weekly pictures with Wil – and this time, I made Phil take the first formal picture on Easter, when I was over 30 weeks pregnant.  Second kids really do get the shaft, dont they?  This is definitely not the most glamorous shot to put on the internet, but for the sake of memories – here we are at 30 weeks:IMG_0098

This little one has been a trooper this entire pregnancy.  I havent been able to slow down much in the last 9 months and shes taking things in stride.  With Wil, I made sure I wasnt lifting heavy things, avoiding certain foods,  doing yoga once a week, etc.  But not with this baby!  I have to carry my backpack, a toddler, and a diaper bag around every morning and afternoon.  I work way crazier hours, with no time for yoga. And my diet consists of whatever is in front of my face when I get hungry.  I feel this baby the most in the early morning and right before I go to bed.  In between, I imagine her bracing herself in the womb and holding on for dear life until I finally sit down at the end of the day.  I wish I could pamper myself (and her) a bit more.  This pregnancy has definitely been more challenging than the first. But I hear this is typical.  I joke that my doctors appointments are more like therapy sessions – I tell my OB about certain pains that Im having or how tired I am, etc.  And the doctor cant really ‘treat’ anything, but tells me its normal and that I should try to take it easy.  So we carry on!  And baby is doing great!!  She is measuring right on track and ‘weighed in’ around 4 lbs on April 2nd.  Here is another picture of a picture, since I still havent figured out how to fix our scanner:


She woulndt take her hands away from her face!  It reminds me of this picture of Wil:


I feel like the nose/mouth region looks very similar.  I told the tech that this photo resembles my son – but then realized all moms probably think that and all the babies probably look pretty similar at this point in the womb.  But she said that babies definitely have different features at the point and its completely plausible that they have the same characteristics even at 30 weeks.  Soooo – maybe I was on to something (or maybe she was just being nice)?  Those Polish genes are strong.  We’ll see! And yes, daughter, this begins the journey of everything about you being compared to your older brother.  I cant help it!   I cant wait to see what is similar and different about you guys!

I really searched my computer and other devices for more pictures of me being pregnant, but apparently Im always behind the camera!  Here is the only other decent one in the last few weeks:


Phil and I have started pulling out all the baby stuff from the basement and have washed a fresh batch of baby clothes!!  Thanks to my sister and Nate for sending me a boat-load of pretty pink hand-me-downs from cousin Elise!  We just need some newborn diapers and we are ready to go!  She’ll be here before we know it.

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